Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Feminists in Jail

This article talks about 5 feminists in China that were detained the day before International Women's Day. Their plan was to pass out pamphlets and stickers raising knowledge and awareness about sexual harassment, an issue that comes up quite often in the social media. This charge is placed as "making a disturbance." One of the women, Wu, needs medical care, but has not been given any since being in jail. In another case, someone has had the opportunity for medical care while in jail if necessary. The government is so against their voice being heard about sexual harassment that occurs; “It shows how allergic the government is to any kind of activity, outreach or encouragement of advocacy by any independent voices.” says Sophie Richardson,  China director at Human Rights Watch. There has been calls to China from outside sources- UK ambassador, Britain and the U.S. requesting that the women be released. China's response was no other countries should be trying to call the shots for what they decide to do in China. This is really interesting because I feel as though they have all rights to express their feelings and voices, especially in a non violent way they were planning on taking. It also shows how different it is from here, and that the freedom of speech and ability to protest something here is a lot easier than there.

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